Nobody's Favorite

On social media, lists will pop up every now and then, with people's favorite photographers. I look at these lists and think, I want to be someone's favorite! I know that's purely ego and a desire for a dopamine hit that those apps are designed to provide. But the thought does enter my head. I try not to serve that thought tea as then it will linger and rattle around in the parlor that is my brain for way too long. It can really get me feeling down and questioning myself and what I do.  
That thought also serves as motivation and a great reminder however! It reminds me of why I take photos in the first place. It definitely isn't for applause or recognition, although those things are nice, they are fleeting. It reminds me that the simple act of pressing the shutter button is an act of joy for me. There's the dopamine hit right there. Stepping out into the world, looking, listening, feeling, then aiming my camera and capturing and creating something. Do I need a barrage of likes and comments to validate this experience? No, I just enjoy and savor the moments. Then when my film is processed, scanned, printed, I get to revisit that experience again. Not that sharing what you make isn't important, it is! Ideas and such can be gained from sharing your work and getting feedback. I just try to remember that sharing to get applause isn't my primary reason for shooting in the first place.  


  1. Great way to look at life Denise. We are all looking fir attention, its a daily struggle to stay humble.


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