Effects Films: Redscale

I have a particular soft spot in my heart for effects films.  Redscale was the first effects film techniques I tried and I was hooked immediately.  I loved the shifts that can occur with the various ways to expose it and also the different color film emulsions behaving uniquely as well when you either purchase different brands of prerolled redscale or rolling your own. Reds, oranges, blues, greens, yellows.  I like turning my ordinary world on its head with unreal colors. 
Photography is already an escape for me so I'm not one to try to correctly capture what I'm seeing.  Steps away from documentation, you can select a focus point, shift colors, extend exposure, double exposure, any number of things to get away from pesky reality.
Usually my approach to redscale is similar to my approach to black and white photos. Contrast and texture are what I tend to look for but of course I don't limit myself to just that.  I enjoy seeing variables at play, enjoying the results each time. I'm including some of my favorite redscale images I've shot over the years.  Have you tried redscale?


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