Effects Films: Lomochrome Turquoise

Lomochrome Turquoise! I don't even know where to start! I'm glad I had the chance to try it before it was snatched from us and discontinued.  Like a lot of other films I love, German Agfa Vista, Adox Color Implosion, Kodak Portra VC & 100t, it's long gone and all I have are my negatives and my memories.
Like I said in my post about redscale, I'm a sucker for color shifts.  Turquoise in my limited experience turned turquoise and orange in my photos, with the exception of the photo I posted here of a shot at a bar of the band Snowchild, resulted in some different color shifting.  Most likely due to the colored lighting in the bar.  If you want technicalities, you're at the wrong blog.
My few landscape shots really did Lomo turquoise justice. In my opinion, it's just a little too strange for straightforward portraiture.  But it could work if you're going for something spacey or experimental in general where skin tones can be out of this world. 
I think I have one roll of this left, and part of me wants to pull out all the stops and do all the things with it. Double expose it! Redscale it! Soup it! Just to get all those things done and go out with a bang. What long gone film are you hanging on to and dying to finally shoot? 


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