Gen-X Photography Podcast: I was a guest!

I'm not a big talker generally but I was invited to be a guest on Mario Piper's 46th episode of Gen-X Photography Podcast . I was joined by fellow Kansan Anne Hollond on the show. 
As a generally anxious person, I like to be prepared. But the universe loves to throw curveballs so I did not get any questions in advance so I had to think and speak on the fly and try my best to be coherent and answer the questions fully but still be myself and have a bit of humor. You'd have to tell me if I managed that because I haven't actually listened to the episode. 🤣
Friends and kind souls have listened and gave such warm feedback. I do think it will give a bit of insight into how the photography part of my brain works. To listen click here:  Gen-X Photography Podcast


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