Back at it with Britten

Britten has a home based business making handmade journals, jewelry and ephemera called Remnant Studios.  With an event coming up in the spring, I had an idea for postcards or bookmarks using photographs I shot of some of her various products. I thought those would be neat little gifts with purchase or be made available for purchase on their own.  
We met up on a Sunday afternoon and began shooting! 
With files from snaps taken with my phone, I played around with various templates on the Canva app and I really liked the results.  Even just using the free features you can do quite a bit on there, even for the non graphic design girlie such as myself. 
I'm not sure if she will have anything professionally printed from this first go round with this idea or not but as always I love just getting a thought out of my head and into the world.  Oftentimes for me, that's enough. 
I shot the following on 3 emulsions and 3 cameras. My absolute last ever roll of discontinued Adox Color Implosion was shot through my Nikkormat FT3,  Classic EZ 400 through my latest thrift store find,  the Vivitar 650pz,  and Fuji Acros II in the super simple point and shoot,  Lex35.  Enjoy!


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